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Behind The Scenes


It hardly feels we have been here 8 days, but when I think back to each day that has passed and all that has happened, I feel like it’s been longer. There has been so much goodness it’s hard to believe it has fit in to a mere 8 days.

God has blessed us incredibly here in Haiti. To think that when I started this journey with the application process a year ago…and the months in between…I was anxious and worried about everything. And yet- I knew that I was supposed to do this.  Take a step. And one that was definitely out of my comfort zone.

And now? Now I cannot believe how His peace has enveloped me. From the moment we arrived I could feel His arms around me- and He hasn’t left.

There are so many things I want to say, but I feel I need to write about what happens “behind the scenes”. How each moment of every day is a blessing not only because of WHAT is happening…but WHO it’s happening with.

I met this team back in the summer. I didn’t know any one of them before I walked into our 1st training session. Team meeting after meeting, I got to know little bits of each person- and yet I was still apprehensive in the thought of what spending 2 weeks with another 6 people - in a foreign country no less- would look like.

And now….

As each day has gone by and I have gotten to spend time with the members of our team, my love for them has grown.

…..During our walks through the village and interactions with the children at recess.

….Watching their reactions to something new we see as we drive over the mountain pass on a harrowing narrow road with oncoming traffic that seems to go so fast and know no speed limit.

….Painting in the Children’s Village and listening to the banter as we argue over what music we should listen to. (Please no more Beiber;)

…..Hearing their prayers and heart during devotions under the mango tree (and sometimes dodging them as they come crashing through the branches).

….Our debriefing times up on the rooftop under the stars as we share how each day has changed us in a little or large way.

I realize just how important this group has become to me.

I have a second family. IMG_2954

As the body has many parts and it works together as a whole, I find our team portraying the body of Christ to a degree. There is a unity here which I feel has been given to us by God.

I am blessed to be part of this team and to learn and grow along side of them. As we finish off our last 2 days here, I pray that we will continue to grow as we have been here in Haiti- as individuals and as a family. (Hoping this includes erasing all J.B from the playlist;)

~ Dawn