Ministries Youth

CrossRoads Youth

We're excited to invite you to CrossRoads Youth! Here, you have freedom to be yourself and participate as you feel comfortable. Because we want you to get the most of your time with us, we do encourage you to fully engage with the evening; you're a part of this team.

For the most up-to-date information on Youth Ministries, stay connected with Instagram and/or WhatsApp.

Jr high youth


GRADE 7 & 8
Thursdays 7pm - 8:30pm 

To stay updated and receive all announcements related to Junior High Youth, please follow our instagram or join the appropriate chat below to our Junior High Youth Community on WhatsApp.

Stay Connected

Whats App logo  Jr. High Students Chat / Parents Chat 

insta @crjhyouth


Sr high youth


GRADE 9-11
Wednesdays 7pm - 9pm

To stay updated and receive all announcements related to Senior High Youth, follow our instagram or join the appropriate chat below to our Senior High Youth Community on WhatsApp.


Stay Connected

Whats App logo Sr. High Students Chat / Parents Chat

insta @crshyouth 



You will be checked-in and join a small group (around 6-10 peers). Each group will have a youth leader who welcomes you, hangs out, does the activity/game with your small group, and checks-in* with you throughout the evening.

*A check-in, is your youth leader’s way of listening, encouraging, and praying for you and each student. 

Participate in Play:

We try to have a lot of fun! And we hope you want to with us. If you choose not to, we do still require that you are present during this time (not off doing your own thing).

We Talk about God:

What we know about Him. What He thinks about us. And how we can best follow Him. This is done through a teaching time and/or in small group times.

We Eat Food: 

If there are allergies, you are responsible to be aware of what you are choosing to eat.

Hang Out: 

You will get time to simply be with and make friends.


Grades 7 & 8
Sundays 9am, 11am, 6pm

For info contact:

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