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DAY 14 - Haiti

If you look over the headlines for Haiti this past year, you would be unlikely to put Peace and Haiti into the same sentence. There is a lot of unrest and political upheaval following the assassination of the President; gang activity and kidnappings are on the rise. They suffered two back-to-back natural disasters on top of Covid. 

So, where can we find peace in Haiti? Peace is found in the pockets of believers who know that no matter what is going on in the government, or in the world, peace can be found in the Church, in their faith community and support for each other. 

Natural disasters bring many people to the brink of hopelessness and fill them with fear. They have lost their homes. They are in the rain, out in the open, exposed. When Haiti ARISE goes into the communities, they provide emergency care, support and Godly encouragement.  Perhaps even, they will provide a permanent home for a family.  This generates a prevailing sense of peace.

Please Pray

… for the pockets of believers that they would be fountains of peace that would flow over the land and that Godly leaders would rise up.

Categories: Compassion Campaign , Daily Reflection , Missions