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Ending Well

Hello from Athens, Greece!!!!

We have arrived here safely from Porto Astro last evening, hot, tired, relieved, yet somehow a touch sad. What an amazing and humbling experience this past week has been. We ended the camp with the ultimately beautiful experience of seeing the baptism of several of the guests in addition to 3 of our own STO crew from CrossRoads being baptized later in the afternoon, Kelly O’Shea, Bernie Walker and yours truly… Brenda Dahl. There are no words… or too many words to describe the experience. The entire service team and Porto Astro staff witnessed the baptisms and welcomed us into the family of Christ as we exited the waters.

We then pitched in to un-pitch tents and help get the camp ready to move for the upcoming Operation Joshua, where HM distributes bibles to different areas in Greece. We had long good-byes with many of the service teams, what a privilege to work alongside so many Spirit filled people!

Now that we are in Athens we have the opportunity to take in some sights and enjoy amazing food. We are still appreciating everyone’s prayers for our safe return, for Kelvin who has ventured to Turkey, he has requested prayer for the people there as they have an election tomorrow. As well as prayers for Tanya who has continued on to England to visit family.

Now that our group has gone from 9 to 7, we will have another full day of adventure in Athens. We hope to be in an English speaking church service at 11 Sunday, take in a few more sights, and get some rest for our long journey home.

This has been an experience our team will never forget!!!

God bless!