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The Gospel Plus Time

Our time in Greece has come to an end.  We have many stories to tell, and many memories that we will carry with us.  There are also many stories that we can not tell and many pictures we can not share.  We would have liked to stay in touch with some of the people we met - but that would be risking safety.

What did we see?  We saw hope, we saw courage, we saw joy, we witnessed decisions that will change lives for eternity.   We wish we could tell you.

We know that in addition to the decisions that were made many more seeds were planted.  Questions were asked, discussions were had and many guests left still wrestling.  Our team will not know in this lifetime what will happen to these people.

We are confident in this though - the Holy Spirit is at work.  The good news has been shared and heard.  Now comes the piece of the equation called time.   Could it be days, could it be years before what was heard is accepted and taken to heart?  Maybe there will be other messengers who will share the news again and water the soil where the  seed lies waiting.  Maybe an act of kindness or a tragic incident in the future will be the catalyst for accepting the seed as truth.   This part of the equation is not ours to see or be a part of for the people we met here.    We must leave it in the care and control of a loving Father who is not willing that any should perish but have eternal life.

We leave knowing that we have been part of God's plan in drawing people to Himself and we are in awe that he would use us, broken as we are, to accomplish a piece of His story in other's lives.

We return knowing that the gospel + time can equal more than we could ever ask or imagine.   To God be the glory.
