Explore Growing As A Disciple

Growing as a Disciple

Steps to Grow Spiritually

We want you to grow and mature in your faith – to take it to another level.

Step 1: Be Baptized 

Baptism is an external sign of the internal change that Jesus Christ has done when a person believes in Him.

So who should be baptized? In order for someone to be baptized, they must be a believer in Jesus. There is no reason for delaying baptism. As soon as a person declares faith in Christ, they can be baptized.

Learn more about Baptism

Step 2: Develop a Plan  

As in any goals that you want to achieve in life you need a plan to get there. Some ways that will help you are:

  1. Reading the Bible – If you do not have a Bible feel free to take one from the pews in the Sanctuary or ask for one at the Church Office or The Hub. A good place to start is the Gospel of John.
  2. Attending an Alpha CourseThis course will challenge you with some of those questions about Christianity and will provide a safe place to ask questions.
  3. Listening to good teaching – You can attend Sunday services at 9am, 11am or 6pm and listen to sermons such as the ones in our media library. You may find the sermon series Bible 101 helpful.

Step 3: Get Connected  

Check our events page and the bulletin for information on upcoming Next Steps events to get connected into community.

Also, consider joining a Group. They are a great place to learn more and connect. You can also check out Celebrate Recovery. It’s for everyone. For all hurts, hang-ups and habits. Serve in a ministry using the gifts and talents God has given you. Consider attending Engage to learn more about what it means to be a member of our CrossRoads community and how you can be involved. Watch our events page and the "This Week at CrossRoads" blog for more info on the next Engage event.

There are many ways to get involved here at CrossRoads, and we can't wait to connect with you!