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Preparation Time

Astros2018Hello from Porto Astros;

We have arrived safely and are writing this to you as we overlook the beautiful grounds and bay of this camp.  All is quiet at the moment as we sit under the covered deck of the main building in the early morning. There are a few sounds in the distance, sheep bells, cicadas and gulls and a few rolls of thunder.  A rain storm  moved through earlier and has caused us girls to abandon our leaky tent.  So we sit in the quiet and journal, read and talk about the events of yesterday and what today holds.

We enter our second full day here and there is still lots to do before the families arrive on Sunday.  We have spent a full day already setting up tents too numerous to count, checking for missing poles, rips and tears etc.   We were joined by a team of young people from California who are in Athens for Operation Joshua (Bible distribution)  and came out for the day.   We ended a day of 35 degree weather with a swim in the ocean that was a first time experience for all of us.  Every move we made int he water created sparkles. Bioluminescent phytoplankton is the scientific term -  look it up and be amazed!   We marvel at God's imagination in the diversity and beauty of  His creation.

Today we will set up the dining area and do some general cleaning of the cabins and washrooms in preparation for the arrival of the families on Sunday.  Close to 190 people will be on site by Sunday night.  The quiet will soon be over and the grounds of the camp will be filled with voices speaking languages we do not understand.   What we do know is that a smile crosses all language barriers - as does the love of God.

We are grateful for your prayers as we enter into a very busy week.

Laurie, Sarah, Brenda and Tanya (on behalf of the rest of the team who are still sleeping and dry)